Monday, February 5, 2007

Been bitten by the blogging bug

Welcome to the first installment of Butters' Spread,
'Butters' being me, K.E. Butterworth, and 'Spread' being the noun used to describe an article of writing, eg, a two-page spread.

So for better or for worse, Katherine now has a blog!
...Actually, I think it will be for the better. Because as I'm savouring my last week at home, I hope it'll be a way of keeping my friends far and wide in the loop of my exciting (or otherwise) comings and goings... the possibilities are endless! Until the novelty wears off I suppose.

So leave a comment even if it's just a few hellos when you are bored!

Peace out peoples,
katty*B xox


Anonymous said...

Wow, welcome to the world of blog Kat!!! :)


Richie said...

hey, I know you!
Welcome to the blog-sphere!

Looking forward to hearing about all your crazy antics and zany adventures in college!

And don't forget - don't post up too many personal details on the web ;)

Caroline said...

Kat! It's been so cool seeing you around the place at uni. You, me and Jen should go out sometime to catch up... alternatively... We should just chat at uni!

ramki said...

There is a street in my home town called Butterworth road! I wonder where they got that name from. Pretty interesting! You dont know me, but I came by your blog, since one of friends (also a kattyb) used to write in this spot. I still have a link from my yahoo page. I will remove it now.

Katty*B said...

ahhh i have comments! thanks friends :)
haha it's been so long since I've checked this so please bear with me, but your comments are like fuel that keep this blog going. i'll post some more antics about college and try to be careful about how much personal stuff I write about.

Caro i would LOVE to catch up with you and Jen, it's been so long! Unfortunately i have class straight after CBS on Thurs but there will be time so I'll call you this week maybe!

thanks for your comment ramki, yeah it's suprising there are a few kattyb urls and email adddresses (trust me i've tried them out!) Butterworth is a very English surname, my dad's family is all English so sadly that road would not be named after my direct family. But it's really cool anyways!