Friday, March 16, 2007

Bean Sprouts and Cabbage Heads (aka Prep Week)

Backtracking a bit to when I arrived back to the hallowed halls of college on the 11th of February, in time for Prep Week. For the benefit of non-collegians Prep week is the week of prep before the 84 freshers (1st years) arrive for O week. Normally it's an intensively stressful week but for us it was a breeze as so much correspondence had been done in the holidays (still trying to clear out my inboxes now, actually!)

The O week team consists of 6 second years, all are scrumptious legends and I have had a ball working with them all. Especially the bonding over 39 daily emails over summer, bleaching in the courtyard, bus trips to the Supre factory outlet, early mornings (2am) and early mornings (5:30am) spent doing ... stuff (wait and see!). You're such champions who are servant-hearted and willing to pick up the pieces. Massif respects to Alex (aka Birdie), Jaydog (aka Jaydog), Timburgers (aka Tim), Mal-Practice and Kyle (Thommohawk).

Above: Thommo and Tim aren't cats when it comes to going for the surf rat look.

Below: Never trust 3 guys with a bucket of bleach and 8 inches of your hair.

It's tradition for the O week leaders to dye their hair the same colour of the fresher shirts. Beautiful green, synonomous with slime and all things Kermit. Watch the transformation of these conservative brunettes into Pumped-up and psycho cabbage heads and bean sprouts. Whose idea was it for green fresher shirts anyway?

Poor Mal's hair didn't take kindly the bleach, but after the 3rd treatment it looked a delightful shade of ... marigold?
More on O week to come!

To my faithful readers...

The amount of blogging I've done has been inversely correlational to the hectic-ness of my past month... does that make sense? Ummm, basically this past month has been insane!!! Since moving back to Sydney it's been the most ridiculous amount of mind-blowing fun, plus the stress and responsibility of O Week at college, starting a new degree, being an old chook (ie, looking after freshers at college), starting exec, continuing CBS, Unichurch, my new age group at Wild St Youth and adjusting to life in the fast lane after a most amazingly relaxing time at home.
Thanks go to God for sustaining me in one of the most testing periods of my life thus far. Surviving on pitifully few hours of sleep away from the healthiness of home I was pretty susceptible but miraculously haven't caught the notorious college bugs (yet) and have been in good spirits. Yay for prayer and intercession, thanks dear brothers and sisters :)

Please bear with me as I try to recount the weeks that were...